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Writer's pictureAudrey Marx

Welcome to the Boomshaka Blog!

Hello all! 

We are SO excited to be starting our exclusive-access Boomshaka blog to give YOU, dear reader, insight into what really goes on in Boomshaka. 

As you may already know, we have our big L.A. spring tour this spring break from March 16th through March 23rd! Here, you will find daily posts updating you on the day’s activities, fun pictures, videos from performances, and more! After that, we will be posting updates on all of Boomshaka's Spring Show happenings, including tech week, rehearsals, and other gig performances! Our spring show is April 19th & 20th in Shanley Pavillion at 7 pm & 10 pm on both dates; mark your calendars! Parents/alumni will receive the ticket link as well as more information about when tickets will be live. Do not fret about missing your opportunity to purchase tickets! You WILL be kept in the loop! (and that's a promise)

While our fundraising campaign will be open for a few days, as the last day of February (notably a leap day eeek!), our Fundraiser February is coming to a close. As of today, we have raised a whopping $7221, over 20% of our original goal. Anna and I have been absolutely blown away by all of your generosity. What was once a sunny pipe dream has turned into a reality, and none of this would have been possible without your contributions, so THANK YOU THANK YOU + a hundred times over. Boomshaka is inundated with excitement for Tour & soon-to-be Spring Show performances, and we cannot wait to share what will become unforgettable fond memories with you.

Stay tuned for more…<3 :D

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